Volunteering Vacation
Volunteering is not only a meaningful way to spend your time helping with a worthy cause but is also a way to travel and see the world on the cheap and in a more up-close and personal way than traditional sightseeing. An extremely wide variety of volunteer vacation possibilities exist around the globe, from working on wildlife conservation to...
Glofing in the UK
Have you been longing for a long, uninterrupted trip out on the green? If you’ve been yearning for a vacation, what better one to take than one that involves your favourite sport? Golfing trips have become increasingly popular over the last century and the UK has nothing short of some of the world’s best and most highly sought-after golfing...
Gorilla trekking is still one of the most recommended at least once in a life time activities all around the globe. Though Africa has several gorilla trekking locations other than Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic republic of Congo, it is only Uganda and Rwanda that have proved themselves as secure gorilla trekking destinations on the African continent. The first instinct for...
There are many benefits to hiring a car for a holiday in Uganda and this allows you to get about independently and see more of the country than you would if you relied solely on public transport and internal flights. While many companies offer low headline prices, certain add-ons can cause these seemingly competitive rates to soar. So, if...
Family Travel in Africa
Traveling with kids can be a very stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be. With these simple tips, your family trip can be a fun and enjoyable experience for the entire family, creating wonderful memories for life! Allow Plenty of Time: With kids in tow, it will take longer to get through airports, get checked in, bathroom stops, etc.,...
Travel Agents
Having visited Africa numerous times, I am fortunate to be able to book directly with some operators, or through friends in the industry. For those booking their first safari, I have cobbled together a few questions to ask. It is a quick and simple way to see whether the person you are dealing with is as experienced and knowledgeable...
Air Travel
The fear of flying isn’t uncommon, around 20$ of us are affected by acrophobia to some degree. It’s a phobia causing fear and panic, and in extreme cases nausea at the mere mention of aviation travel. In the past this wasn’t a big issue, but with a shrinking world, most will use an airplane to travel. Luckily for the phobic...
Alaska Wildlife
Alaska is an amazing place, and it's huge! Unless you've got years to spend, there is no way you can see and do everything, so the challenge is to figure out the best way to organize your time on vacation. Here are a few tips to consider when planning your holiday in Alaska. Key question: Alaska by sea, land, or...
Family Safari in Africa
There's a certain stigma attached to traveling with children. If you've ever walked onto a plane holding a baby or a toddler, you've probably seen the horrified looks of your fellow travellers as they mouth to each other "please not here, please not here". Traveling with kids isn't easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding, and create lifetime memories. Travel...

What to Wear While on A Plane

What to Wear On a Plane
When it comes to air travel and clothing, we are all different. There are some travelers who are dressed in business suits, others in traditional jeans, and others who wear something as comfortable as possible, such as their pajamas or sweat pants. With the recent increase in airport security and the recent change in air travel rules, there are...


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