Expedia Pioneer UK, Over and Out


I can’t believe I am actually writing this! I thought to myself the other day about how crazy is it going to be writing my last blog post as the Expedia Pioneer soon. Then, I realised, not soon Kelly, now. It’s now. You have been travelling for an entire year and alas, like all good things, they must come to an end.

In my first blog, I’m the Expedia Pioneer for the UK! I was due to set off on this crazy journey, full of excitement and anticipation of things to come. In a flash, I was halfway at 6 months, reflecting on how it was a job that had changed my life. Now, I am writing my final entry, reflecting on how my life is virtually unrecognisable from what it was this time last year.

I won’t go on and on – my soulful reflections on how I “found myself” somewhere in the Lake District can wait for another day. What I do want to note is the best outcome of it all – the tons of friends I have made over the last year – I am now the proud owner of a French husband, a Dutch wife, and more friends in Scotland than William Wallace.

So, with this final entry, I just want to say, thank you. Thank you to the most crucial part of this whole entire journey – you guys.

People I Have Met

To all of the people who I have met whilst out on the road, without realising you have shaped and moulded the so many wonderful experiences and stories that have built this blog. Some of you were strangers that decided to stop and talk a while, some I spent hours talking to/drinking with and some, well, some of you I know I will have in my life forever. Knowing that I can go to practically any place in the UK and have a friend to call on is quite something indeed.

Thank you for looking after me when I was in town. (I’ll be back)

My Travel Buddies

Thank you to all of those wonderful friends of mine who came along on my trips – your company was invaluable in a job that can be very lonely at times. You not only came for the fun times but unknowingly stepped into the shoes of cameraman and Nelson babysitter. Patiently waiting while I would type up blogs frantically in coffee shops and outside attractions that were not dog-friendly.

Thank you for being such amazing friends.

The Readers!

By far the most important people I would like to thank are my readers (hey Mum, Dad, Grandma) – I can’t thank you enough for listening. I have said many times of how your support and shares mean the world to me, but there truly are no words to describe how grateful I am. The very meaning of being a writer is completely redundant without a reader.  Just by simply listening, you guys have validated every single thing I have done this last year and I thank you so much for that.

You guys ROCK!


Of course, last but most definitely not least, a massive thank you to the guys at Expedia – David, Brenna, Jose & Neil, thank you for giving me the opportunity to finally realise what I truly want to do in life and equipping me with the tools to achieve it. Whether I got the job or not, Bootcamp was such a fantastic experience that you provided and I learnt so much from. It’s been a crazy, long journey for all of us but one I would do a million times again.

Thank you for taking a chance on me.

…and with that, I am now signing off as the Expedia Pioneer for the UK – it’s been one hell of a year. I hope you all enjoyed the ride.