Solo Travel
Traveling is an important choice of our life that we realize its importance when we embark on it. No matter which reasons make you travel, it’s all about moving from one location to another to see the other side of the world. Traveling has a benefit in our lives because it expands our horizons and makes us have hopes of...
There are many benefits to hiring a car for a holiday in Uganda and this allows you to get about independently and see more of the country than you would if you relied solely on public transport and internal flights. While many companies offer low headline prices, certain add-ons can cause these seemingly competitive rates to soar. So, if...
Travel Agents
Having visited Africa numerous times, I am fortunate to be able to book directly with some operators, or through friends in the industry. For those booking their first safari, I have cobbled together a few questions to ask. It is a quick and simple way to see whether the person you are dealing with is as experienced and knowledgeable...


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